Saturday, January 10, 2015

Awesome week

It's Saturday night at 10:41. I'm ready for bed but I thought I'd update my blog before turning in.

This has been an awesome week. God has blessed me with two new songs, "Present" and "Glory". The Women's Conference at FBC concluded today. They learned a new song that I wrote called "Following Jesus". This song was written as an anthem for our church. Our mission statement is, "Following Jesus, Loving others like Jesus, and telling the world about Him." The Ladies choir will be introducing it tomorrow as the special in the 9 and 10:30am worship services.

Justin Sullivan came over yesterday and helped me to get the recording studio bugs worked out. He then stayed around and recorded his vocal part on a new version of "I Surrender All" that we will be performing at FBC Dickson next Sunday. (Mom's white beans and pork chops helped to convince him to stay around, I'm sure.) Gary and Priscilla Fouts will be coming to the studio next week to record their parts to the song as well. Gary and Pricilla are moving to D.C., so next Sunday will be their last in Dickson. I sure will miss them. The three of them will also be singing "Beulah Land", a song Hosanna frequently did in concert back when we were a group. Also, the Youth choir will begin working on another of my songs tomorrow called "One Thing". I just finished up the demo recording of that one tonight.

As I look ahead into 2015 I am so excited at what God has in store for our church and for our music ministry in particular. Having lost my wife and my father in 2014 and having left my position in McEwen last Summer as the band director this truly has been a period of transition for me. I miss Christine and Dad so much, but I know they would be thrilled at how God is moving at FBC. I also miss the band kids in McEwen but I am absolutely convinced that God has me right where He wants me to be. Brother Mike, Steve, and the rest of the staff are a joy to serve with and I know that God has great things in store for this church. If you don't have a church home, there is no better place on earth to worship than right here in Dickson at First Baptist.

I received word today that my song "Be Jesus", the song I wrote for Pastor Mike's sermon series of the same name, is now available for purchase on Sheet Music Plus. Several have asked me about purchasing a copy. If you would like to have a copy of your own, click this link: I plan to add the new songs to the site as we begin to sing them at FBC Dickson.

On a completely different subject, my Kentucky Wildcats extended their win streak to fifteen games today beating Texas A&M by six in DOUBLE overtime. UK has played two SEC games this year. They have played three overtime periods. I really need for the next one to be a blowout win. I don't think my heart will take many more close ones.

Thanks for reading,

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